The BCN PID Foundation sponsors the 1st Congress on Artificial Intelligence for the Diagnosis of PIDs (AIPID)

June 2023

The 1st Congress on Artificial Intelligence and Primary Immunodeficiencies (PID), organized by Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus and UCLA and supported by the European Society for Immunodeficiencies - ESID Latin American Society for Immunodeficiencies - LASID, CiS, ERNRITA and IPOPI, was held at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center from June 19 to 21. The main international experts in this field have participated, among them Dr. Jacques Rivière and Dr. Pere Soler, patrons of our foundation.

The aim was to involve all the actors leading the application of computational tools for the diagnosis of PIDs in a meeting aimed at joining efforts and sharing knowledge, an essential task in the field of rare diseases.

The Barcelona PiD Foundation promotes innovation and training in the field of PIDs. Thank you Víctor Grífols y Lucas Foundation, Takeda Pharmaceutical, Pharming Jmf and Elevare for sponsoring the workshop and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center for kindly hosting it.